Monday, August 12, 2019

Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rene Descartes - Essay Example entitlement can be attributed to both a move from the conventional scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy and the projection and spread of the contemporary mechanistic sciences for which Descartes made effort. Descartes deviated from the scholastic philosophies in two ways. Firstly, the scholastic’s method was doubted because it draws upon sensation as the origin of knowledge. Secondly, Descartes desired a replacement of the scientific explanation’s causal model with the contemporary mechanistic model. Descartes used a method of doubt to achieve this. The fundamental strategy Descartes proposed to evaluate any kind of philosophy was to consider it false if there is even slightest doubt about it. â€Å"This â€Å"hyperbolic doubt† then serves to clear the way for what Descartes considers to be an unprejudiced search for the truth† (Skirry). Concluding, Descartes introduced a rational way of evaluating arguments by measuring them on the scale of skepticism. I personally think that Descartes has influenced our thinking and accordingly our lifestyles in the modern age. He is indeed the first main philosopher who has made a concerted effort for the decline of skepticism in the modern

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